Like previous years, the objective of the BBQ day was to get to know one another better from the respective clubs and the year plans of the club so that we can support one another and also not forgetting to enjoy the fellowship that comes along with good barbequed food. Sister clubs RAC National University of Singapore (NUS) and Interact club of National Junior College (NJC) attended and join in the discussion.
We also celebrated IPP Darryl Kuek and PP Tay Wei Lien’s birthdays as theirs were around the corner. President Rtn Lai also treated us to a feast of delicious durians on that night. With barbequed food, birthday cake and durians and not forgetting the fellowship, it was a successful bbq.
On a final note, we would like to thank Rotary Club of Singapore West for sponsoring the food and venue and not forgetting our Sister clubs who had taken time off to come and join in the annual BBQ. Hope you enjoy yourselves as we have and we look forward next year in the next BBQ day.
Enjoy the pictures!!

Reported by:
Rtr Wahid