Tuesday, March 19, 2013

World Rotaract Week - District 3310 Blood Donation Drive

In conjunction with World Rotaract Week, District 3310 organized a Blood Donation Drive at the Bloodbank@Dhoby Exchange on 16th - 17th March 2013. 

The total number of volunteers who helped out on both days exceeded 100 and we managed to hit our target of 100 donors per day. On 16th March 2013, a total of 169 people registered and there were 104 donors. Although it was raining heavily the next day, there were still 152 people who came down to the Bloodbank to register and a total of 103 people donated.

What is World Rotaract Week?
World Rotaract Week is the week starting from 13 March to commemorate the founding of the first Rotaract club in 1968. It is also the time to celebrate the success and importance of the Rotaract program. During this week, the Rotaract clubs and their sponsoring Rotary club will usually collaborate in a project to celebrate the Rotaract program. After completing the event, the sponsoring Rotary club or District Rotaract Chairperson can download a certificate of recognition for presentation to the Rotaract club. For more information, you may refer to

Pictures of the Blood Donation Drive:

Did you manage to get our flyer when you are roaming around Dhoby Ghaut area over the weekend?

Call out to O+ people~! Please donate if you can^_^

Guess whose arm is this???

We are thankful for the HSA staff (nurses, doctors and administrative staff) and the Rotaract volunteers who helped out in the registration and distribution of flyers. Moreover, we need to thank the main organizing IC - Shiyu who liaised with HSA and managed to secure the venue. The event would not have been successful without everyone's combined effort. 

If you have missed out this chance to join us during this Blood Donation Drive, just visit one of the nearest Bloodbank Center to donate;) Check out the link below for the locations: http://www.hsa.gov.sg/publish/hsaportal/en/health_services/blood_donation/wheretodonate.html

Do you think we should make this an annual district event???

Anyway, remember to check out our blog in another three weeks time for the update on the various directors' report as we are going to have on Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 7th April!!!

Have a nice week, everyone~!

Members Attended:
Benedict, Aini, Wahid, Hooi Ying and Wendy

Reported by:
C.S. Dir. Wendy

Monday, March 11, 2013

Blood Donation Drive (16 - 17 March, 12pm - 8pm @ Dhoby Xchange)

Not sure what to do this weekend? Come down to Dhoby Xchange (at Dhoby Ghaut MRT station) to donate blood and save lives!!!

Do you know that every hour of the day, 15 units of blood are used in Singapore and thus 100,000 units are needed in a year.

Life is unpredictable. Your blood donation can help to save the life of an accident victim, a patient undergoing major surgery or even a newborn baby!

Just a few minutes of pain, and you may save a life. ^_^

Saturday, March 02, 2013

Annual IMH Outing

This year marks the sixth year that RAC Singapore West has collaborated with the Institute of Mental Health (IMH) patients. Similar to the previous year, we brought our VIPs (Very Important Patients) to the Labrador Park.

Due to the good rapport with IMH that have been built up over the years, we had more VIPs as compared to the previous five outings. A total of 32 patients, 8 nurses, 5 IMH volunteers and 10 volunteers from our side participated in this event.

Some games include the Spelling Bee, Guess the Number and Make your Bracelet. It was a fun time interacting with the patients despite the unexpected heavy downpour. Luckily, Labrador Park has a nice sheltered area for us to conduct the games.

Many thanks to Evelyn for organizing this outing and the volunteers for taking time off to participate in this event. I hope that all the VIPs and volunteers had a fun time!!! (I know that I did^^)

After the event, we proceeded to the Arc for dinner and then we had our monthly BOD meeting:) Stay tune to our next community service event - District 3310 Blood Donation Drive!!!

Members attended: Evelyn, Benedict, Wahid, Wendy, Yancy & Guests - Ibrahim, Ibrahim's brother, Evelyn's friend, Teck Sing, Graduated member - Dawn

Reported by:
C.S. Dir. Wendy