Once again, it was a night of great food, fellowing and getting to know one another as the new Rotary year begins. We also exchanged some ideas or informed our sister clubs of our proposed activities for the year to come so as to build a better bond and hopefully that they would be able to assist in the projects proposed.
Also, it was heartening news to know that RAC Singapore West had managed to get its Presidential Citation for the Rotary Year 2009/10. Congrats to IPP Keyuan and his board of directors.

IPP Keyuan receiving the Presidential Citation from Pres Dr Stephen Lim from RC Singapore West

RAC Singapore West group photo

Group photo with our sponsoring Rotary Club - Rotary Club of Singapore West

Group photo with Sister Clubs - RAC NUS and Interact Club of NJC
Reported by:
President 2010/11
RAC Singapore West