On 12th February 2011, RAC Singapore West had its annual Chinese New Year Celebration this time at Dawn's place. It was a day of enjoying one's company, feasting on the food that was prepared by Dawn's mum and herself. As always, food was in abundance.
Here are the snapshots of the CNY gathering:
Huat ar!!!!
The end product: A nice and evenly yusheng. :)
It was all good memories as we all bonded and even wanted to watch a movie at night despite we started it in the afternoon. Cheers!
Members attended:
Dawn, Wahid, Hooi Ying, Yan Xing, Nuraini, Benedict, Graduated member - Andrew and his girlfriend, Jessie and Guest - Evelyn and Rtn Tay.
Reported by:
President 2010/2011
RAC Singapore West