On a beautiful Saturday morning, RAC Singapore West decided to help the Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped (SAVH) with their Chinese New Year Bazaar to raise funds for the association. Each of us was assigned a stall to man together with a SAVH staff. Some of the SAVH staff is visually handicapped and it was a good opportunity for us to get to know more about how the visually handicapped people manage their everyday lifes.
The SAVH staff that I was assigned with was visually handicapped (able to see partially) and he taught me how to use the iPhone screen reader function. I didn't know that the iPhone has such a function! The screen reader function will read whatever that was tapped on and if you want to select the button, you have to double-tap the icon. Moreover, instead of using a finger to swipe through the pages, they use 4 fingers to swipe through the pages. I guess this is to prevent them from accidentally swiping through the pages. Apple products are really helpful, don't you think? :D
In general, the SAVH people are extremely friendly and easy to mingle with. Even though the crowd is not so ideal, my Bak Kwa booth still managed to sell 37 boxes of Bak Kwa and 4 packets of pork floss (Sales: $1000+). I guess with better advertisement, they might be able to draw in a larger crowd and achieve better sales.
Big Abalone & Bak Kwa Group: Ibrahim, Me & Yancy
Costume jewlry & miscellaneous Group: Jerlyn & Shirlynn
Dried seafood: Hooi Ying
Touch Art: Wahid
CNY Decorations: AiniMembers attended:
Wahid, Hooi Ying, Wendy, Jerlyn, Aini, Yancy, Guest - Shirlynn and Ibrahim
Stay tuned to our Blood Donation Drive and Board Meeting next Sunday!!!
Reported by:
Rtr Wendy