Members Yi Ling, Dawn and Simon attended the annual District Governor’s Visit on 24 August 2006, hosted by the Rotary Club of Singapore West.
District Governor Dr Wu Dar-Ching met with representatives from all Interact and Rotaract under the Singapore West umbrella and heard their club’s activities and plans for the year. It was an interesting sharing session.
DG Dr Wu addressed us with a reminder that while we are actively involved in comunity service, we must not forget to serve ourselves and improve ourselves, for only then can we serve others effectively.
The day was rounded off by a dinner hosted by the Rotary Club of Singapore West.
Rotaract is an international organization of service clubs, under the Rotary International, for men and women aged 18 - 30 that fosters leadership and responsible citizenship, encourages high ethical standards in business and promotes international understanding and peace.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
RAC Ampang Bowling Championship
Our sister club Rotaract Club of Ampang is organising a Bowling Championship on 25 August 2006. We wish them every success for their event!
Invitation from RAC Ampang
Dear Fellow Rotaractors,
Stress at work? Looking forward to an enjoyable weekend?
Well then, does TENPINS, LANES, STRIKES, SPARES, SPLITS and TURKEY sound familiar to you???
Head to Bukit Jalil Golf and Country Resort,Bukit Jalil where fun, prizes and LOTSA games awaiting for you!
Your FAQs answered:
In case u still can't guess what is's BOWLING!
How the game is played?
You will be divided into group of 4. We'll do the grouping for you (A group will consist of a mixture hunkies and pretty gals)
Winner will be decided not only by the numbers of pins dropped, but also by the total points collected (during quizes and games in between)
How much am I to pay?
We will be charging RM 30/pax for 3 games
When shall I be there?
Be there on the 26th August at 5.30pm
Whom shall I contact?
Waste no time, email
Invitation from RAC Ampang
Dear Fellow Rotaractors,
Stress at work? Looking forward to an enjoyable weekend?
Well then, does TENPINS, LANES, STRIKES, SPARES, SPLITS and TURKEY sound familiar to you???
Head to Bukit Jalil Golf and Country Resort,Bukit Jalil where fun, prizes and LOTSA games awaiting for you!
Your FAQs answered:
In case u still can't guess what is's BOWLING!
How the game is played?
You will be divided into group of 4. We'll do the grouping for you (A group will consist of a mixture hunkies and pretty gals)
Winner will be decided not only by the numbers of pins dropped, but also by the total points collected (during quizes and games in between)
How much am I to pay?
We will be charging RM 30/pax for 3 games
When shall I be there?
Be there on the 26th August at 5.30pm
Whom shall I contact?
Waste no time, email
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Getting To Know Our Rotarian Advisors
"Getting To Know Your Rotarian Advisors" Dinner and Post-Installation Celebration
August 16, 2006 saw our club meeting with our Rotarian advisors over dinner at Rice Table, an Indonesian restaurant tucked neatly along antiquated Chinese shophouses at Cuppage Terrance in the heart of Orchard. Rotarians PP Tan Kay Hui and PP Henry Tan graced the occasion with amiable smiles and goodwill, amidst the aroma of good food, a pleasant ambience and great company.
Pleasantries and greetings were exchanged, as Rotaractors and Rotarians sat together and chatted over the spread of dishes on the table. Jokes, laughter, ideas, experiences and advice from our Rotarians flowed seamlessly across the table while Rotaractors listened intently, not forgetting to enjoy the scrumptious food all at the same time.
Before ...
As dusk falls we bid our farewells, leaving satisfied and happy, only to look forward to the next gathering, for this was only the first of many more to come. =)
Photos of dinner can be found HERE
Reported by Rtr Lim Tse Siang, Club Service Director
August 16, 2006 saw our club meeting with our Rotarian advisors over dinner at Rice Table, an Indonesian restaurant tucked neatly along antiquated Chinese shophouses at Cuppage Terrance in the heart of Orchard. Rotarians PP Tan Kay Hui and PP Henry Tan graced the occasion with amiable smiles and goodwill, amidst the aroma of good food, a pleasant ambience and great company.
Pleasantries and greetings were exchanged, as Rotaractors and Rotarians sat together and chatted over the spread of dishes on the table. Jokes, laughter, ideas, experiences and advice from our Rotarians flowed seamlessly across the table while Rotaractors listened intently, not forgetting to enjoy the scrumptious food all at the same time.

As dusk falls we bid our farewells, leaving satisfied and happy, only to look forward to the next gathering, for this was only the first of many more to come. =)
Photos of dinner can be found HERE
Reported by Rtr Lim Tse Siang, Club Service Director
Saturday, August 05, 2006
RAC Johor Bahru Installation
Date: 5th August 2006
Venue: Hyatt Regency, Johor Bahru
Rtrs Zack, Dawn and Simon travelled north to attend the Installation of Rotaract Club of Johor Bahru, District 3310.

L-R: Simon, Zack, Dawn

RAC JB BOD 2006/07

Yo-ah-yo-ah Johor!
The installation of RAC JB was held successfully on the 5th August 2006. The event was attended by about 50 people made up of Rotarians, Rotaractors, family members and guest. The Guest of Honor for the event was the President of Rotary Club of Johor Bahru, IR Mohd Noh Ibrahim.
The event proper was kicked start by the MC of the night followed by dinner proper. In between dinner, there was a short presentation of the club’s past achievements by the out-going board. The main event of the night, the installation of the new Board of Director, was next after the presentation.
The installation was done smoothly with the appreciation of the past Board of Directors and the installation of the incoming President, Rtr Elango and the installation of the in-coming Board of Directors. Each director did not only receive their director badges, but medals as well which is quite unique as it is quite rare for an installation event.
There was a short performance by University Kebangsaan Malaya Silat Club which displays their skills in the traditional Malay martial art which attracted much attention especially when they have a mock duel using the kris, a type of dagger. The event closed with a raffles draw and lucky draw. Though the event started quite late, they manage to end the event earlier than the supposedly ending time. It is a successful event indeed and a big congratulation to President Elango and his new Board of Directors.
Reported by
Rtr Simon Lee
Dir of Professional Development
For more photos CLICK HERE
Venue: Hyatt Regency, Johor Bahru
Rtrs Zack, Dawn and Simon travelled north to attend the Installation of Rotaract Club of Johor Bahru, District 3310.

L-R: Simon, Zack, Dawn

RAC JB BOD 2006/07

Yo-ah-yo-ah Johor!
The installation of RAC JB was held successfully on the 5th August 2006. The event was attended by about 50 people made up of Rotarians, Rotaractors, family members and guest. The Guest of Honor for the event was the President of Rotary Club of Johor Bahru, IR Mohd Noh Ibrahim.
The event proper was kicked start by the MC of the night followed by dinner proper. In between dinner, there was a short presentation of the club’s past achievements by the out-going board. The main event of the night, the installation of the new Board of Director, was next after the presentation.
The installation was done smoothly with the appreciation of the past Board of Directors and the installation of the incoming President, Rtr Elango and the installation of the in-coming Board of Directors. Each director did not only receive their director badges, but medals as well which is quite unique as it is quite rare for an installation event.
There was a short performance by University Kebangsaan Malaya Silat Club which displays their skills in the traditional Malay martial art which attracted much attention especially when they have a mock duel using the kris, a type of dagger. The event closed with a raffles draw and lucky draw. Though the event started quite late, they manage to end the event earlier than the supposedly ending time. It is a successful event indeed and a big congratulation to President Elango and his new Board of Directors.
Reported by
Rtr Simon Lee
Dir of Professional Development
For more photos CLICK HERE