Tuesday, August 22, 2006

RAC Ampang Bowling Championship

Our sister club Rotaract Club of Ampang is organising a Bowling Championship on 25 August 2006. We wish them every success for their event!

Invitation from RAC Ampang

Dear Fellow Rotaractors,

Stress at work? Looking forward to an enjoyable weekend?

Well then, does TENPINS, LANES, STRIKES, SPARES, SPLITS and TURKEY sound familiar to you???

Head to Bukit Jalil Golf and Country Resort,Bukit Jalil where fun, prizes and LOTSA games awaiting for you!

Your FAQs answered:
In case u still can't guess what is it.........it's BOWLING!

How the game is played?
You will be divided into group of 4. We'll do the grouping for you (A group will consist of a mixture hunkies and pretty gals)
Winner will be decided not only by the numbers of pins dropped, but also by the total points collected (during quizes and games in between)

How much am I to pay?
We will be charging RM 30/pax for 3 games

When shall I be there?
Be there on the 26th August at 5.30pm

Whom shall I contact?
Waste no time, email rac_ampang@yahoo.com

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