Saturday, September 23, 2006

Eye Screening Exercise during AMD Awareness Week

On the morning of 23rd September 2006, 10 rotaractors from different Rotaract clubs in Singapore, including 4 from RAC Singapore West, volunteered their serviced to Alexandra Hospital for AMD Awareness Week.

What is AMD? it stands for Age-related Macular Degeneration. AMD is the leading cause of blindness in our world today and is related to increasing age. Alexandra Hospital had been holding seminars, workshops and eye screening exercises on AMD since 17th September.

We - President Yiling, Secretary Dawn, Rotaractor Wahid, and I - made ourselves available on that faithful Saturday to help out at the AMD eye screening exercise. We saw about 200 elderly coming for the eye screening. It was an orderly morning as we have volunteers situated at every station to assist the crowd. Wahid was required to receive the crowd from the registration counter and made sure they gotten their turn to screen their eyes. Yiling, Dawn and I, were each staying in the doctors' room to translate whatever our eye doctors were saying to the elderly.

We really had a good time finding out Mandarin terms for AMD, cataract, and even glaucoma! And all those Mandarin words for eye drops, name them! And not only in Mandarin but different chinese dialects at times.  I could hear Wahid going "zhou zhou" (sit sit), "deng deng" (wait wait) too... hahaha.

We were kept so busy with the crowd that the morning ended fast. We were also very happy that each of the elderly got their chance to screen their eyes and consulted about how their vision were doing. With satisfaction, we brisk to Burger King at Ikea Shopping Mall to have our lunch.

Report submitted by VP Eileen Tiang 

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