On the 18th August, Rotaract Club of Singapore held its first Institute of Mental Health (IMH) orientation session. This is in view in working hand in hand with IMH on our future community service projects.

Madam Chua Siew Hong, who I have been liaising with IMH, was kind enough to offer an orientation session with us as we were keen to embark on venue of community service that we have not done yet. In her presentation, she gave us detailed insights on what the patients of IMH was suffering from, what are the things we can expect, and what we can do as a volunteer. She also shared some of her experiences with us.
Then, it was the second part of the orientation, which was to visit the ward. Mr Tan, nurse manager, led us to our assigned ward 53A. Along the way to our assigned ward, Mr Tan gave us an orientation of the place. The ever so friendly and cheerful Mr Tan helped us to settle in the ward when we arrived. As the ward was having a karaoke session, we joined in the fun with Zakir singing a song. The patients also took turns singing, with Phillip, one of the patients, impressing all of us with his good vocals while some of us interacted with the patients. We also asked the nurses what are the activities that we can do for the patients, to get feel of what are their likes and dislikes.

POW and prison guard! This photo was taken in a garden featuring items that were saved from the previous IMH premises. (E.g. an old metal gate.)
As the day was late, we parted ways with the nurses and patients of 53A. Despite the short time spent with the ward, we all felt good and motivated at the activities that we can do for the patients. The orientation session ended with a group photo with Mr Tan, who was a big help to us.
We are definitely looking forward in working hand in hand with our community service projects. If you are interested in this worthy cause, please do not hesitate to email us at racwest@gmail.com.
Yi Ling
Tse Siang
Rtn Ronnie Neo
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