We started to set up the arrangement and prepare the necessary items for the bbq before the guests arrive. After setting and preparing the items, we start to set the fire as to get the fire burning.
As the guests start to settle down, President Dawn from Rotaract Club of Singapore West welcome everyone to the gathering. President Dawn shared with us on the objective of the gathering and the club projects. We gave a short introduction to everyone. Our sister clubs shared their upcoming projects and to see the chance to have joint project.
Once the informal meeting ended, everyone rushed to help themselves with the bbq food. There were lots of yummy foods for us to fill our stomach. Everyone present enjoyed themselves and had fun interacting with one another.
This event will not be a great success without our PP Tay who have helped us in booking the bbq pit, A big thank you is also extended to our Rotarians, fellow sister club Rotaractors, club members and guest. Not forgetting the people who had contributed for the food.
Hope everyone enjoyed fellowship, food and bonding within our family of Singapore west. See everyone in the upcoming events.
Below are pictures taken during the event. It is definitely a wonderful memory for us!

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