Hear how we can help Mother Earth protect our environment?
Help Save Mother Earth
There is a growing concern on global warming and we can play out part in helping the nation’s effort on climate change. Electricity is produced from generation plants that burn fossil fuel. The more electricity we use, the greater the fuel required to be burnt and this leads to more carbon emission. As more greenhouse gases are released, more heat will be trapped which resulting in warmer temperature. We can do our part by being more energy efficient and using electricity more wisely.
Buy energy efficient products
A computer consume about 35kWh worth of electricity a month. That is approximately $9 to monthly electricity bills and 0.03 metric tons of greenhouse gases to the environment – the same amount released from burning 11 litres of petrol.
To do:
buy energy – efficient electronics with Energy Star label. The electronics items could use 20 – 30% less power than regular devices.
Hence, it is more savings for you and kinder to the Earth.
Turn off at source
A lot of us thought that by one click of the remote control button, the devices are as good as turned off and there is no need to switch off the power source.
This is incorrect assumption! They are still sucking power from your socket.
Based on the research done in Singapore, standby power accounts can actually take up till 10% of your home electricity bills.
To do:
Switch off all electronics at source - the wall switch!
Watch what you use
How many of us are guilty of leaving the phone charger dangling from the wall socket all day (all night or all year round?!) or the printer and scanner plugged in but are not in use?
Do you know that power is being sucked up by all these devices despite there are not in use?
To do:
Track your power consumption and see how much you are really wasting.
Etrack (www.etrack.com.sg) is a little tracking device developed here and measures your total power usage and also that of individual items.
So let us all start contributing conserving the energy and be more environmental friendly!
Rotaract is an international organization of service clubs, under the Rotary International, for men and women aged 18 - 30 that fosters leadership and responsible citizenship, encourages high ethical standards in business and promotes international understanding and peace.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Bowling Fellowship at SP Guild House
We had our 1st Bowling Fellowship with our Rotarians at the Singapore Polytechnic Guild House on 5th Sept, Saturday afternoon at 4pm.
A total of 8 participants with 6 club members, 1 guest and 1 Rotarian had a bowling good time taking out the pins. Dawn, Zack, Benedict, Vincent, Hooi Ying, Wahid, Hope and Rtn Tay were all divided in 2 teams competing in a friendly match. President Rtn Lai also came to gave us his support.
So we bowled, bowled and bowled. We all had good fun and fellowship, teasing one another and trying to intimidiate or put our 'opponents' off their games.
So watch out for our next bowling fellowship~~~~!!! If you are keen, you can contact our Club Service Director - Vincent Ang.
Reported by:
Rtr Wahid
A total of 8 participants with 6 club members, 1 guest and 1 Rotarian had a bowling good time taking out the pins. Dawn, Zack, Benedict, Vincent, Hooi Ying, Wahid, Hope and Rtn Tay were all divided in 2 teams competing in a friendly match. President Rtn Lai also came to gave us his support.
So we bowled, bowled and bowled. We all had good fun and fellowship, teasing one another and trying to intimidiate or put our 'opponents' off their games.
So watch out for our next bowling fellowship~~~~!!! If you are keen, you can contact our Club Service Director - Vincent Ang.
Reported by:
Rtr Wahid
Mini-movie session
On 4th Sept, after attending the NUS installation, we decided to catch a movie - "G-Force". Zack, Dawn, Hooi Ying and Wahid went to watch this science-flick comedy movie.
Overall, it was a cute movie with good laughters in between. A must watch for all guinea pig, & hamster fans.
Reported by:
Rtr Wahid
Overall, it was a cute movie with good laughters in between. A must watch for all guinea pig, & hamster fans.
Reported by:
Rtr Wahid
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Family of SW Gathering BBQ Day
In its 3rd year running, RAC Singapore West together with Rotary Club of Singapore West had our annual BBQ at Faber Garden on 15th August.
Like previous years, the objective of the BBQ day was to get to know one another better from the respective clubs and the year plans of the club so that we can support one another and also not forgetting to enjoy the fellowship that comes along with good barbequed food. Sister clubs RAC National University of Singapore (NUS) and Interact club of National Junior College (NJC) attended and join in the discussion.
We also celebrated IPP Darryl Kuek and PP Tay Wei Lien’s birthdays as theirs were around the corner. President Rtn Lai also treated us to a feast of delicious durians on that night. With barbequed food, birthday cake and durians and not forgetting the fellowship, it was a successful bbq.
On a final note, we would like to thank Rotary Club of Singapore West for sponsoring the food and venue and not forgetting our Sister clubs who had taken time off to come and join in the annual BBQ. Hope you enjoy yourselves as we have and we look forward next year in the next BBQ day.
Enjoy the pictures!!

Reported by:
Rtr Wahid
Like previous years, the objective of the BBQ day was to get to know one another better from the respective clubs and the year plans of the club so that we can support one another and also not forgetting to enjoy the fellowship that comes along with good barbequed food. Sister clubs RAC National University of Singapore (NUS) and Interact club of National Junior College (NJC) attended and join in the discussion.
We also celebrated IPP Darryl Kuek and PP Tay Wei Lien’s birthdays as theirs were around the corner. President Rtn Lai also treated us to a feast of delicious durians on that night. With barbequed food, birthday cake and durians and not forgetting the fellowship, it was a successful bbq.
On a final note, we would like to thank Rotary Club of Singapore West for sponsoring the food and venue and not forgetting our Sister clubs who had taken time off to come and join in the annual BBQ. Hope you enjoy yourselves as we have and we look forward next year in the next BBQ day.
Enjoy the pictures!!

Reported by:
Rtr Wahid
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Bukit Timah Nature Reserve – Hiking cum talk
In line with the club’s objective to go green, our resident “geologist”, PDRR Zakir conducted a short talk on the importance of conservation of our nature reserves in Singapore. The day started with a morning hike at 9 am with members: Huiying, Wahid, Ben and Zakir.
After enduring the long and grueling hike, the members were joined by President Keyuan and Service to New Generation Director, PP (Rtn) Tay for the conservation talk. During the talk, PDRR Zakir introduced the history of the nature reserve and its development for the past 40 years after Singapore independence. They also got a glimpse of the dangers and consequences of the fast growing urban “jungle” that had an effect on the flora and fauna of the nature reserve.
I hope the participants had taken back new knowledge of the importance of the nature reserve.

Reported by PDRR Zakir
Community Service Director 09/10.
Community Service Director 09/10.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Rotaract District Assembly
On 1st August, 6 of the club members and 1 guest attended the Rotaract District Assembly (RDA) held at Ngee Ann Poly. They were PDRR Zakir, Benedict, Bing Xian, Hooi Ying, Wahid and Rtr Hope (Guest).
We are proud and please to announce that for the Rotaract Year 08/09, the club has managed to achieved the President Citation and the 2 following awards : The Best Outstanding Community Service Project Award and the Best Outstanding Family Rotaract Award.
These achievements could not be achieved by the strong support of our Rotarians, guests and friends who had supported and helped us. On behalf of IPP Dawn Cheong, I would like to thank everyone for the hard work put in and do support us in our coming Rotaract Year!
Reported by:
Rtr Wahid
We are proud and please to announce that for the Rotaract Year 08/09, the club has managed to achieved the President Citation and the 2 following awards : The Best Outstanding Community Service Project Award and the Best Outstanding Family Rotaract Award.
These achievements could not be achieved by the strong support of our Rotarians, guests and friends who had supported and helped us. On behalf of IPP Dawn Cheong, I would like to thank everyone for the hard work put in and do support us in our coming Rotaract Year!
Reported by:
Rtr Wahid
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Day out at the Zoo
On 19th July, the club had it first event after our Installation. And what better place to kick starts it off with a day out at the Zoo with the animals and nature. IPP Dawn, Wahid, Bing Xian and Dawn’s parents attended the event. We also hosted Rtr Hope who is from our sister club – RAC Thammasat University.
It was a day of fun and exploring as we ventured into the Zoo and admire the animals in their enclosures. We went to all the places in the zoo and it was an enjoyable stroll down memory lane as some of us recalled our fond memories of the Zoo on our previous visits.
After the Zoo, we all grab a bite at Bagus, at IMM and did some shopping after having our lunch. Though it was tired, the fellowship was great fun.

Reported by:
Rtr Wahid
It was a day of fun and exploring as we ventured into the Zoo and admire the animals in their enclosures. We went to all the places in the zoo and it was an enjoyable stroll down memory lane as some of us recalled our fond memories of the Zoo on our previous visits.
After the Zoo, we all grab a bite at Bagus, at IMM and did some shopping after having our lunch. Though it was tired, the fellowship was great fun.

Reported by:
Rtr Wahid
Sunday, July 12, 2009
RAC Singapore West Installation : “Back to Nature”
On 4th July, RAC Singapore West celebrated our 28th Installation. The theme of the installation was “Back to Nature.” A total of 53 guests attended the installation with our overseas sister clubs from RAC Ampang and RAC Thammasat University joining us in the joyous occasion.
Our Guest – of – Honour, IPP Darryl Kuek, Rotary Club of Singapore West graced the event and oversee the installation proceedings as IPP Dawn Cheong handle over her duties to newly inducted President Kwek Keyuan.
With the theme – “Back to Nature,” the club kick start off the pre-event activities by encouraging our guests to donate to one of the club’s goals of contributing back to nature by planting a tree. With every donation of $200, the club will use this fund to plant a tree under the NParks programme of ‘Adopt-a- Tree’. So if you want to lend us a helping hand, do feel free to contact Zack or Jerlyn for more information.
The renewal of our sister club agreements between RAC Ampang and RAC Thammasat University added more significance to the installation as it was a day where old friendships were maintained and new opportunites of making new friendships in years to come.
Lastly, we would like to thank our guests for taking time off in celebrating this special occasion with us. We hope to see you in our future Installations.
Reported by:
Rtr Wahid
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Rotaract District Conference in Melaka
We embarked on a Discover, Fun & Fellowship ‘voyage’ to Malacca last Friday (17 Apr).
It was Rotaract District Conference 2009 and we left after having a sumptuous breakfast at Delifrance Causeway Point. Zakir, our designated ‘Personal Transporter’, together with Benedict, Hui Ying and I got on to our PT’s vehicle left Singapore closed to half past eleven and started our 2 hour drive to Malacca.
We reached Malacca at 2.30pm and were wandering at the 2 largest shopping mall in town.
At 4.30pm, we decided to have a late lunch at Nando’s and we spilt up for massage and movie.
We joined the rest of the participants of RDC at the hotel at 7pm and went for dinner and fellowship at Newton Food centre beside Mahkota. It was ice cream and more chatting at Mahkota shopping mall after dinner on our dear Zakir’s tab! Of course we also had a good time talking to one of the rotaractor from Curtin University, Kwai Hong.
We return to Orkid hotel, which we will be staying, at 10pm and started some games to get to know more about each other. It was a good time for me as I had rarely participated in district event as much as the rest of the members who went to the event with me. I found it was an excellent opportunity for me to learn more about other rotaractors and their club culture. We were all regroup into different teams, Tuah, Lekir, Kasturi, Jebaat and Lekiu. the teams were named after the warriors in Malayan history.
After forming the teams, we started playing games. One of the games, ‘soul mates’, we had to write something about ourselves on a piece of paper and put into a box and get one piece of paper out of the box belonging to another person in the room. It was a great deal of fun to guess who the person who wrote on each piece of paper was and seeing the whole group of us getting all anxious to find the ‘soul mates’. The even greater fun was there were a lot of us who wrote outrages and weirdest things.
We ended the night closed to 1am and I had a good time chatting with Hui Ying too.
The next day, Hui Ying and I woke up at 5.45am and started to get ready for the joint opening of the 19th District 3310 Assembly of Rotary and RDC. We had our breakfast at the hotel before proceeding to the Renaissance Hotel for the event.
Outside the function hall, we saw a great number of people coming for the Assembly from District 3310. Before the start of the event, we managed to find our Rotarians in the crowd and have a short chat with them.
At the start of the event, there was the 3 flags of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei which are the district coverage of 3310 and flags of Rotary, Rotaract and Interact. I personally felt particularly proud when the Singapore anthem was played during the ceremony.
We adjoined to the 2nd part of the RDC after the light tea break at the end of the opening ceremony. We began our session with Rotarian John we spoke to us on avoidable blindness. We had an interesting talk by Dr Yee who formerly worked in the psychiatric department at the national general hospital of Melaka. Dr Yee spoke to us about depression and what it led to. We gained the knowledge of assessing our own mental health. We also learnt that mental illnesses are often left neglected due to public stereotyping. Coincidentally our club is also doing a community service project with the Institute of Mental Health. Hence we found the information presented by Dr Yee familiar. Dr Yee also highlighted issues of general public had these days was the lack of courage to stand forth and seek medical treatments. Fortunately, people are more inclined to seek for medical attention now compared to a decade ago and we are hopeful that the situation would improve!
We continued our sessions after lunch with individual clubs' presentations on the eventful year since last RDC. We gained that the activities each club does and some activities given me inspirations and motivation to contribute more to my community in Singapore and mankind in every corner of the world.
RDC continued with the participants group into different teams and we were ask to play games. All of us had lots fun playing guessing game, 'pass a message & draw the answer' and cerograph a dance within 10mins.
Looking at representatives from each teams trying to crack their brains describing on each item that members of particular team has to guess was real entertaining. Some descriptions were hilarious and the anticipation of each team trying to guess the correct answers was exciting. The dances presented by the participants were equally interesting and some intriguing.
We ended the games and were brief on the next outdoor session at Jonker Walk. We were supposed to complete 20 tasks at Jonker Walk but 1st we took a boat ride at the river. We buckled our life jackets n embarked on the discovery trip at Melaka river. On the boat we had a boat guide who told about Melaka's history and the river's past and future developments. from houses restoration to new developments and from Melaka’s trading port activities to present's entertainment and heritage developments. I was enticed by Melaka's heritage and many current and future developments. We ended the boat ride with the boat ride guide greeting 100 languages of goodbye in different countries.
At Jonker Walk, all participants split into respective teams in the shortest possible time and proceeded to our 'Jonker Walk hunt'. Along Jonker Walk we saw many handicrafts, toys, performances from magic to ge tai, pets on sales from hamsters to rabbits and possibly anything you can thought of could be found. Of course, we also didn't forget the glorious food. We tasted famous nogya laska, durian chendol, dodol, Char Kway Teow, pineapple tarts and many more. While streaming through t he busy Jonker Walk, we were all supposed to complete tasks and to take pictures as proof of completion. Hence we had 'killing scene', 'guitar lighter musician', 'male wearing clogs' and 17 other tasks. Once all participants completed the tasks, we split and started eating and drinking enjoying the night life of Jonker Walk before the agreed time to return to hotel I our chartered bus.
Upon reaching the hotel, we were told that the pictures we took earlier are to review and used to create a story. Therefore the group returned to designated rooms and began the discussion. We all only call it a night after fellowship with supper for some, drinks for some and long chats for many. The next day we all woke up feeling groggy.
The last day kicked start with the usual breakfast however the club had another agenda apart from the rest. We won the best district Rotaract club and hence we were asked by our proud Rotarians to take a picture with our District Governor to commemorate this day. I remembered being informed by our President of our club the night before I felt jubilant and ecstatic about winning the award.
After taking some photos with our District Governor and Rotarians, we return to our rotaractor’s program and the winning team of this RDC was announced. And the winners walked away with ‘exquisite’ gifts prepared by the organizing committee. Zakir’s team came in 1st and he got a Darlie tissue roll holder. RDC 2009 ended with 2 closing speech from Rotarian Jimmy ooi and Rotarian Leslie. The program with RDC has officially ended but some of us proceed for lunch at a Ngoya restaurant and the food was yummy! We didn’t return straight to Singapore after lunch, we went for a famous Durian chendol and some local products shopping.
Tired and satisfied, we headed back to Singapore and concluded this Discover, Fun & Fellowship event.
Rtr Jerlyn
It was Rotaract District Conference 2009 and we left after having a sumptuous breakfast at Delifrance Causeway Point. Zakir, our designated ‘Personal Transporter’, together with Benedict, Hui Ying and I got on to our PT’s vehicle left Singapore closed to half past eleven and started our 2 hour drive to Malacca.
We reached Malacca at 2.30pm and were wandering at the 2 largest shopping mall in town.
At 4.30pm, we decided to have a late lunch at Nando’s and we spilt up for massage and movie.
We joined the rest of the participants of RDC at the hotel at 7pm and went for dinner and fellowship at Newton Food centre beside Mahkota. It was ice cream and more chatting at Mahkota shopping mall after dinner on our dear Zakir’s tab! Of course we also had a good time talking to one of the rotaractor from Curtin University, Kwai Hong.
We return to Orkid hotel, which we will be staying, at 10pm and started some games to get to know more about each other. It was a good time for me as I had rarely participated in district event as much as the rest of the members who went to the event with me. I found it was an excellent opportunity for me to learn more about other rotaractors and their club culture. We were all regroup into different teams, Tuah, Lekir, Kasturi, Jebaat and Lekiu. the teams were named after the warriors in Malayan history.
After forming the teams, we started playing games. One of the games, ‘soul mates’, we had to write something about ourselves on a piece of paper and put into a box and get one piece of paper out of the box belonging to another person in the room. It was a great deal of fun to guess who the person who wrote on each piece of paper was and seeing the whole group of us getting all anxious to find the ‘soul mates’. The even greater fun was there were a lot of us who wrote outrages and weirdest things.
We ended the night closed to 1am and I had a good time chatting with Hui Ying too.
The next day, Hui Ying and I woke up at 5.45am and started to get ready for the joint opening of the 19th District 3310 Assembly of Rotary and RDC. We had our breakfast at the hotel before proceeding to the Renaissance Hotel for the event.
Outside the function hall, we saw a great number of people coming for the Assembly from District 3310. Before the start of the event, we managed to find our Rotarians in the crowd and have a short chat with them.
At the start of the event, there was the 3 flags of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei which are the district coverage of 3310 and flags of Rotary, Rotaract and Interact. I personally felt particularly proud when the Singapore anthem was played during the ceremony.
We adjoined to the 2nd part of the RDC after the light tea break at the end of the opening ceremony. We began our session with Rotarian John we spoke to us on avoidable blindness. We had an interesting talk by Dr Yee who formerly worked in the psychiatric department at the national general hospital of Melaka. Dr Yee spoke to us about depression and what it led to. We gained the knowledge of assessing our own mental health. We also learnt that mental illnesses are often left neglected due to public stereotyping. Coincidentally our club is also doing a community service project with the Institute of Mental Health. Hence we found the information presented by Dr Yee familiar. Dr Yee also highlighted issues of general public had these days was the lack of courage to stand forth and seek medical treatments. Fortunately, people are more inclined to seek for medical attention now compared to a decade ago and we are hopeful that the situation would improve!
We continued our sessions after lunch with individual clubs' presentations on the eventful year since last RDC. We gained that the activities each club does and some activities given me inspirations and motivation to contribute more to my community in Singapore and mankind in every corner of the world.
RDC continued with the participants group into different teams and we were ask to play games. All of us had lots fun playing guessing game, 'pass a message & draw the answer' and cerograph a dance within 10mins.
Looking at representatives from each teams trying to crack their brains describing on each item that members of particular team has to guess was real entertaining. Some descriptions were hilarious and the anticipation of each team trying to guess the correct answers was exciting. The dances presented by the participants were equally interesting and some intriguing.
We ended the games and were brief on the next outdoor session at Jonker Walk. We were supposed to complete 20 tasks at Jonker Walk but 1st we took a boat ride at the river. We buckled our life jackets n embarked on the discovery trip at Melaka river. On the boat we had a boat guide who told about Melaka's history and the river's past and future developments. from houses restoration to new developments and from Melaka’s trading port activities to present's entertainment and heritage developments. I was enticed by Melaka's heritage and many current and future developments. We ended the boat ride with the boat ride guide greeting 100 languages of goodbye in different countries.
At Jonker Walk, all participants split into respective teams in the shortest possible time and proceeded to our 'Jonker Walk hunt'. Along Jonker Walk we saw many handicrafts, toys, performances from magic to ge tai, pets on sales from hamsters to rabbits and possibly anything you can thought of could be found. Of course, we also didn't forget the glorious food. We tasted famous nogya laska, durian chendol, dodol, Char Kway Teow, pineapple tarts and many more. While streaming through t he busy Jonker Walk, we were all supposed to complete tasks and to take pictures as proof of completion. Hence we had 'killing scene', 'guitar lighter musician', 'male wearing clogs' and 17 other tasks. Once all participants completed the tasks, we split and started eating and drinking enjoying the night life of Jonker Walk before the agreed time to return to hotel I our chartered bus.
Upon reaching the hotel, we were told that the pictures we took earlier are to review and used to create a story. Therefore the group returned to designated rooms and began the discussion. We all only call it a night after fellowship with supper for some, drinks for some and long chats for many. The next day we all woke up feeling groggy.
The last day kicked start with the usual breakfast however the club had another agenda apart from the rest. We won the best district Rotaract club and hence we were asked by our proud Rotarians to take a picture with our District Governor to commemorate this day. I remembered being informed by our President of our club the night before I felt jubilant and ecstatic about winning the award.
After taking some photos with our District Governor and Rotarians, we return to our rotaractor’s program and the winning team of this RDC was announced. And the winners walked away with ‘exquisite’ gifts prepared by the organizing committee. Zakir’s team came in 1st and he got a Darlie tissue roll holder. RDC 2009 ended with 2 closing speech from Rotarian Jimmy ooi and Rotarian Leslie. The program with RDC has officially ended but some of us proceed for lunch at a Ngoya restaurant and the food was yummy! We didn’t return straight to Singapore after lunch, we went for a famous Durian chendol and some local products shopping.
Tired and satisfied, we headed back to Singapore and concluded this Discover, Fun & Fellowship event.
Rtr Jerlyn
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Annual General Meeting
On 30th of April, we had our annual general meeting (AGM) at Singapore Management University. During this AGM, we had our board meeting and each director gave a summary of their year’s activity and to close the club annual account. The AGM was very eventful.
We took this opportunity to induct one new member, who is Rtr Vincent Ang, and welcome him to our family. We also welcomed two new members into our club. They were Rtr Andrew Ang who was previously from RAC Ampang (our sister club) and Rtr Adam Sum who was from RAC Singapore Management University. Let us welcome them into our big family.
Dawn also announced that our club had won the Best Rotaract Club Project Award which was presented during the Rotary District Assembly in Melaka. It was every club members’ effort and hardwork that makes us achieve this award. Well done, RAC Singapore West. Let’s keep up the good work and we hope to see more awards coming in this year.
PP Bingxian was also appointed as the Zonal Representative for Zone 3, Singapore for Rotaract Year 2009/2010. Let us support him during his term.
It was a surprise birthday celebration as ZR PP Lilian Song brought a birthday cake to celebrate for the April and May babies. Happy belated birthday to PE Keyuan and IPP Elieen and Happy Birthday to PP Zack, PP Bingxian and Rtr Andrew.
During this AGM, we had our election for the Board of Directors 09/10.
The new board of directors will be announced soon.
We took this opportunity to induct one new member, who is Rtr Vincent Ang, and welcome him to our family. We also welcomed two new members into our club. They were Rtr Andrew Ang who was previously from RAC Ampang (our sister club) and Rtr Adam Sum who was from RAC Singapore Management University. Let us welcome them into our big family.
Dawn also announced that our club had won the Best Rotaract Club Project Award which was presented during the Rotary District Assembly in Melaka. It was every club members’ effort and hardwork that makes us achieve this award. Well done, RAC Singapore West. Let’s keep up the good work and we hope to see more awards coming in this year.
PP Bingxian was also appointed as the Zonal Representative for Zone 3, Singapore for Rotaract Year 2009/2010. Let us support him during his term.
It was a surprise birthday celebration as ZR PP Lilian Song brought a birthday cake to celebrate for the April and May babies. Happy belated birthday to PE Keyuan and IPP Elieen and Happy Birthday to PP Zack, PP Bingxian and Rtr Andrew.
During this AGM, we had our election for the Board of Directors 09/10.
The new board of directors will be announced soon.
Nature Walk
On the 2nd of May, the club members went for a nature walk from Hort Park to Vivo City. We took the bus from Vivo City at 5pm to our starting point, Hort Park. We arrived at Hort Park and had a guided tour by our president Dawn foro those who had not been there. She explained to us the various types of trees and plants.
To reach our destination, we walked through the Alexandra Arche, Southern Rridge, Henderson Bridge and lastly Mount Faber.
During the walk, we got to view the many beautiful types of scenery and also took the opportunity to enjoy the atmosphere. Despite the humid weather, we enjoyed the bonding and fellowship session from this activity.
We had a sense of achievement after finishing the walk. We proceeded to Vivocity to have our dinner at the rooftop and all the fun continues in spite of our tiredness.
To reach our destination, we walked through the Alexandra Arche, Southern Rridge, Henderson Bridge and lastly Mount Faber.
During the walk, we got to view the many beautiful types of scenery and also took the opportunity to enjoy the atmosphere. Despite the humid weather, we enjoyed the bonding and fellowship session from this activity.
We had a sense of achievement after finishing the walk. We proceeded to Vivocity to have our dinner at the rooftop and all the fun continues in spite of our tiredness.
5th Asia Pacific Regional Rotaract Conference 2008

The 5th Asia Pacific Regional Rotaract Conference 2008 was organized by District 3400 in Bali from 19th to 23th November 2008 .It was aimed to get the participant to know one another, get more knowledge, learn everything under the family of rotary. More than 500 participants spend their days at Bali making friendships, exchanging ideas, interactions, joint projects , sign sister club pact, cultures etc. Their theme was ’’ learn, share and celebrate.’’

It was truly meaningful, inspiration with lots of fun fellowship which leave me with lots of unforgettable and memorable journey for me. This was my first regional events outside of my district besides my rotary new generation exchange program. I was overjoyed to participate and was an eye opener for me.
You will not miss the fun sessions like cultural bazzar, cultural night, plenary session, workshops and games etc. Moreover, I was excited as our district won the bid to host the 6th Asia Pacific Regional Conference in Singapore 2009. Hope to see everyone next year with lots of FUN, FUN AND FUN….

It was truly meaningful, inspiration with lots of fun fellowship which leave me with lots of unforgettable and memorable journey for me. This was my first regional events outside of my district besides my rotary new generation exchange program. I was overjoyed to participate and was an eye opener for me.
You will not miss the fun sessions like cultural bazzar, cultural night, plenary session, workshops and games etc. Moreover, I was excited as our district won the bid to host the 6th Asia Pacific Regional Conference in Singapore 2009. Hope to see everyone next year with lots of FUN, FUN AND FUN….

Thursday, April 23, 2009
German Appreciation Night
On the 17th January 2009, RAC Singapore West organized a project under International Service. Assisted by Rotarians, we had 3 speakers out of which 2 were Rotarians from Germany and one was our fellow guest, Edward, who had work in Germany for 3 years.
That night, we had many different kinds of German sausages such as pork sausages, veal sausages and many more. These sausages were prepared in different styles such as added with pepper sauce and added in salad. And to spice up the mood, German mustard was used as a dip and pretzels were brought.
Apart from the food, we shared the different working culture between Singapore and Germany. That gave us an idea of how people work and how different we were. Also, the different cultures of bringing up of kids were shared. For instance in Germany, at the age of 18, the kids was encouraged by the government and family to move out on their own.
The event was a great success. However, these would not have happen without the help from the Rotarians who had sponsored the sausages, mustard, beers and many more. On behalf from RAC west, we would like to thank all the Rotarians and guests who had turn up for the night for providing the information which make us understand more about Germany.
Reported by:
International Service Director Benedict Lim
That night, we had many different kinds of German sausages such as pork sausages, veal sausages and many more. These sausages were prepared in different styles such as added with pepper sauce and added in salad. And to spice up the mood, German mustard was used as a dip and pretzels were brought.
Apart from the food, we shared the different working culture between Singapore and Germany. That gave us an idea of how people work and how different we were. Also, the different cultures of bringing up of kids were shared. For instance in Germany, at the age of 18, the kids was encouraged by the government and family to move out on their own.
The event was a great success. However, these would not have happen without the help from the Rotarians who had sponsored the sausages, mustard, beers and many more. On behalf from RAC west, we would like to thank all the Rotarians and guests who had turn up for the night for providing the information which make us understand more about Germany.
Reported by:
International Service Director Benedict Lim
French Appreciation Night
On 21st November 2008, RAC West organized a project under International Service. Our guest, Christophe from France had kindly agreed to provide a night at his home where he shares the culture and information about France.
The session was a success as we left the place with more knowledge about France. Such as famous locations, what does the colors of the France flag represents, how famous brands like Mont Blanc were created, how French revolution were created, leading to the creation of France National anthem .
That night, we were exposed to the delicacies in France. We had different kinds of cheese such as bleu cheese, goat cheese and many more. Also, French salad and other dishes which were specially bought and made by Christophe.
We had fun and at the same time were exposed to similar experience people experience when they are in France. It was a fruitful night for all of us.
Reported by:
International Service Director Benedict Lim
IMH Outing to West Coast Park (14 March 2009)
It was a hot a sunny Saturday morning. A great weather for a picnic and that’s what exactly we did for the patients (VIP) from the Institute of Mental Health. We have volunteers from the Rotaract Club of Singapore West, Rotaract Club of Tanglin and Rotaract Club of NUS. We also have in attendance Rotarian from the Rotary Club of Singapore West.
Some of our volunteers picked up the VIP from the Institution and made their way to West Coast Park. As it was a long journey; some of our volunteers had a sing-a-long session with the VIP on the bus to warm them up.
Upon reaching the West Coast Park, our other volunteers warmly welcome them and brought them to the picnic area where we had assembled and prepared games for them. We had spilt the various VIP and volunteers to 3 groups and were told to design their flag and give them a unique name. The three groups were called Singa, Ultra and Four-Two.
Once the groups had gotten acquainted with themselves, we proceeded to our first game which the game master instruct each group to arrange themselves in a certain sequence (e.g. from the tallest to the shortest etc). The first group that does that will earn a point.
The next activity was a ping pong ball relay. Each member of the group has to transport a ping pong ball with a spoon to a marker and back. The person will have to hand the ping pong ball to another member of the group. This cycle repeats till the last member does it.
We then had our lunch and continue to interact with the VIP. Upon finishing our lunch, we announced the results and Ultra emerged as the champion of the day’s activities. We then had a short stroll around the park, before the VIP returned back to the institution.
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Zonal Bowling 2009
All Gear Up and Ready to Go!
On the 3rd January 2009, RAC Singapore West organized the much anticipated Zonal Bowling for the District 3310 Zone 3 at Tennesosohn Civil Service Club. Assisted by guests and members, the event was well received with more than 80 Rotaractors and Rotarians participating in this annual event.
The club sent out 2 bowling teams for the event to support PDDR Zack, Organizing Chairperson for the Zonal Bowling. And of course, to compete.
With the numerous trainings held, all the hard work finally paid off as our bowling teams fared well with the first team and second team achieving 2nd place and 4th place respectively. The first team consisted of Rtn Allan, Rtr Benedict, Rtr Wahid and Guest Joanne while the second team consisted of IPP Rtn Tay Wei Lian, President Rtr Dawn, Rtr Adam and Guest Harley. President Dawn also managed to bag the Best Female Rotaractor Bowler. Congratulations to all!
While competing, we also had fun as we won bottles of chicken essence for every strike for frames 3rd, 6th and 9th respectively. We also cheered hard and supported one another during the competition. And hence not forgetting the people cheering us on and who lend a helping hand in assisting us in making the event a successful– PP Joo-ee, Daniel, Andrew, Vincent, Rtr Bing Xian, Rtr Jerlyn. Thank you guys!
Hope to seeya all next year for the zonal bowling.
Reported by:
Guest Hooi Ying
The club sent out 2 bowling teams for the event to support PDDR Zack, Organizing Chairperson for the Zonal Bowling. And of course, to compete.
With the numerous trainings held, all the hard work finally paid off as our bowling teams fared well with the first team and second team achieving 2nd place and 4th place respectively. The first team consisted of Rtn Allan, Rtr Benedict, Rtr Wahid and Guest Joanne while the second team consisted of IPP Rtn Tay Wei Lian, President Rtr Dawn, Rtr Adam and Guest Harley. President Dawn also managed to bag the Best Female Rotaractor Bowler. Congratulations to all!
While competing, we also had fun as we won bottles of chicken essence for every strike for frames 3rd, 6th and 9th respectively. We also cheered hard and supported one another during the competition. And hence not forgetting the people cheering us on and who lend a helping hand in assisting us in making the event a successful– PP Joo-ee, Daniel, Andrew, Vincent, Rtr Bing Xian, Rtr Jerlyn. Thank you guys!
Hope to seeya all next year for the zonal bowling.
Reported by:
Guest Hooi Ying
Monday, January 26, 2009
Christmas Party at IMH
On 20th Dec 2008, members of RAC West, RAC NUS and guests, came together to bring christmas cheers to the patients of institute of mental health. We had a great time interacting with the patients. We played games, sing christmas song and we had a special violin performance from one of our guest. Enjoy the photos below....