Friday, December 17, 2010

IS Project - Chek Dam (Chiang Mai, Thailand)

Zack and Hooi Ying participated in this IS project which was spear-headed with our Rotary club of Singapore west and also supported by our sister club, RAC NUS, embarked on an IS Project to Chek Dam, Chiang Mai (Thailand) from 6-12 December 2010.

Prior to this IS project, a fund raiser, collecting newspaper was also done together with RAC NUS to raise funds for the project.

Other than rendering help to the locals there, they were exposed to the day to day living of the locals and were introduced to the natural resources that the locals rely on for their survival. Upon their return, we had a sharing session where the 2 members related to us their experience, the beauty of Chiang Mai and Thailand in general, and the common problems that the locals face.

Zack and Hooi Ying

Reported by:
President 2010/2011
RAC Singapore West

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