Saturday, September 22, 2012

DG Visit cum Rotary Club of Singapore West Oktoberfest

On 20th September 2012, DG Lee Kwong Hwee visited Rotary Club of Singapore West and the meeting was held at Hollandse Club. Director Raymond from RAC NUS (our sister club) and President Aini gave an update of the club events / year plan for 2012/2013 to DG.

After the meeting, the annual Oktoberfest event began. Being spoilt for choice with the delicious food and endless mugs of beer, all of us were certainly well fed at this dinner. Other than eating, there were also games to be played like quiz, Sausage Eating competition, Beer Drinking competition and Chicken Dance contest.

President Harry (RAC NUS) participating in the Sausage Eating competition.
DG dancing at the Oktoberfest Dinner
Group photo with our Rotarians
Members attended:
Aini, Wahid, Benedict and Wendy

This month is certainly a eat & grow fat month with the number of buffet dinners that we have. I guess this is also part of a Rotaractor life? ;)

Reported by:
C.S. Dir. Wendy

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